SCM Routech R-250 CNC Router

SCM Routech R-250 CNC Router

$22,950 (USD)

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2 work tables, measuring 61.5" x 125", gap between tables 4.5" 10' parts can run left to right or front to back

24' x 24' footprint includes guards, electronics, and compressor

Router is 17' deep Feed speeds accelerate at 2300 inches per minute No manual lubrication needed throughout the lifetime of the machine One 25HP Quincy Rotary Screw Vacuum Pump Head #1: 10HP,900 to 18,000 RPM, ISO 30 "Quick Change" Router Spindle Automatic Tool changing System (ATD) with 10-tool computer Head #2: One 16 Spindle Drill Unit, 10 vertical independent boring spindles and 6 horizontal boring spindles Head#3: 10HP,900 to 18,000 RPM, ISO 30 "Quick Change" Router Spindle Automatic Tool changing System (ATD) with 10-tool computer Num Model 1060 Color Graphic Multi-Axis CNC Contro 10HP motors with 250% overload capacityl 14" color graphic monitor allows components to be viewed at the main screen. Handheld control pendant Download programs using either an RS232 port or a 3.5" floppy disk AC Digital (brushless) servo motors Dust Extraction system with CNC controlled extraction hood (into 4 different positions) 208/230/460 Volts, 3-Phase

Approx 10,642 hours.

Loaded on truck Axis Stroke: X-axis: 3,700mm (145.6") Y-axis: 1,600mm (62.9") Z-axis: 300mm


Stock NumberL-1-227 (w)